SOPA: Les pères de l’internet écrivent contre la censure

Depuis que le projet de censure du net SOPA est discuté par les sénateurs américains, la bataille fait rage sur le net, et de nouvelles voix ne cessent de s’élever. Alors que les représentants des ayants droit français ARP (société civile des auteurs-réalisateurs producteurs) et la SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) ont affiché leur scandaleux soutien à ce projet digne des plus grandes dictatures, 83 fondateurs d’Internet ont écrit une lettre ouverte pour marquer leur opposition au projet. Rendez-vous du le site de l’EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) pour la version originale.

Nous soussignés (les rédacteurs), avons joué de multiples rôles dans la création d’un réseau nommé Internet. Nous avons conçu et débugué la couche logicielle, nous avons défini l’ensemble des standards et protocoles qui communiquent à travers ce réseau. Beaucoup d’entre nous en ont inventé des pans entiers. Et nous sommes assez fiers des retombées sociales et économiques que notre projet, l’Internet, a engendrées.

L’an dernier, beaucoup d’entre nous vous ont écrit à vous et à vos collègues pour vous mettre en garde contre les lois COICA (sur le droit d’auteur et la censure). Aujourd’hui, nous vous écrivons à nouveau afin de réaffirmer nos inquiétudes à propos des dérivées des lois SOPA et PIPA survenues avec le projet de loi de l’an dernier, sous la responsabilité de la Chambre des représentants et du Sénat. À bien des égards, ces propositions sont pires que celles dont la lecture nous avait alarmé par le passé.

Si ces lois sont votées, celles-ci vont provoquer un climat de peur et d’incertitude pour les innovations technologiques, ainsi que sérieusement entamer la crédibilité des États-Unis dans son rôle de superviseur des infrastructures clefs de l’Internet. Malgré les récents amendements de SOPA, ces deux projets risquent de fragmenter le système de nommage mondial de l’Internet (DNS) et avoir d’autres conséquences techniques imprévisibles. En contrepartie, une telle législation engendrera une censure qui, simultanément, sera contournable par ceux qui violent délibérément le droit d’auteur tout en entravant le droit et la capacité de la population à communiquer et s’exprimer en ligne.

Tous les projets de censure entravent la communication au-delà de la catégorie qu’ils étaient destinés à restreindre, mais ces lois sont particulièrement flagrantes à cet égard car elles causent la disparition de domaines entiers du Web, pas seulement des pages ou fichiers illégaux. Pire, un nombre incroyable de sites utiles et parfaitement respectueux des lois peuvent être mis sur liste noire par ces propositions. De fait, il semble que cela ait déjà commencé à se produire suite aux récentes procédures de saisie de nom de domaine (DHS/ICE).

La censure de l’infrastructure de l’Internet va inévitablement provoquer des erreurs réseau et des problèmes de sécurité. Cela est vrai en Chine, en Iran et dans les autres pays qui pratiquent déjà la censure. Ce sera tout aussi vrai pour la censure américaine. Ceci est également vrai que la censure soit appliquée au niveau des DNS, proxies, pare-feu ou toute autre méthode. Le genre d’erreurs réseaux et l’insécurité que nous combattons aujourd’hui vont se multiplier, et affecteront d’autres sites que ceux mis sur liste noire par le gouvernement américain.

Les présents projets de loi – SOPA de manière explicite et PIPA de manière implicite– menacent aussi les ingénieurs qui bâtissent des systèmes Internet ou offrent des services qui ne sont pas immédiatement et automatiquement compatibles avec les mesures de censure du gouvernement des États-Unis. Lorsque nous avons dessiné les lignes de ce que serait Internet, nos priorités étaient la fiabilité, la robustesse et la minimisation des points centraux, sujets à fragilité ou contrôle. Nous sommes alarmés de voir le Congrès si près d’imposer la compatibilité à la censure comme un prérequis pour les innovations de l’Internet. Ceci ne peut que porter atteinte à la sécurité du réseau et donner aux gouvernements autoritaires plus de pouvoirs sur ce que leurs citoyens peuvent lire et publier

Le gouvernement américain a régulièrement affirmé qu’il soutenait un Internet libre et ouvert, tant au niveau local qu’à l’étranger. Nous ne pouvons pas avoir un Internet libre et ouvert sans systèmes de nommage et de routage placés au-dessus des préoccupations politiciennes et des objectifs d’un gouvernement ou d’une industrie unique, quels qu’ils soient. À ce jour, le rôle de leader que les États-Unis ont joué dans cette infrastructure n’a pas été remis en cause car l’Amérique est perçue comme un arbitre de confiance et un bastion neutre de la liberté d’expression. Si les États-Unis commencent à utiliser leur position centrale dans le réseau pour mettre en place une censure servant leurs intérêts politiques et économiques, les conséquences seront d’une grande portée et destructrices.

Sénateurs, députés, nous croyons qu’Internet est trop important et trop précieux pour être menacé de cette façon, et vous implorons de mettre ces projets de loi de côté.


  • Vint Cerf, co-designer of TCP/IP, one of the « fathers of the Internet », signing as private citizen
  • Paul Vixie, author of BIND, the most widely-used DNS server software, and President of the Internet Systems Consortium
  • Tony Li, co-author of BGP (the protocol used to arrange Internet routing); chair of the IRTF’s Routing Research Group; a Cisco Fellow; and architect for many of the systems that have actually been used to build the Internet
  • Steven Bellovin, invented the DNS cache contamination attack; co-authored the first book on Internet security; recipient of the 2007 NIST/NSA National Computer Systems Security Award and member of the DHS Science and Technology Advisory Committee
  • Jim Gettys, editor of the HTTP/1.1 protocol standards, which we use to do everything on the Web
  • Dave Kristol, co-author, RFCs 2109, 2965 (Web cookies); contributor, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1)
  • Steve Deering, Ph.D., invented the IP multicast feature of the Internet; lead designer of IPv6 (version 6 of the Internet Protocol)
  • David Ulevitch, David Ulevitch, CEO of OpenDNS, which offers alternative DNS services for enhanced security.
  • Elizabeth Feinler, director of the Network Information Center (NIC) at SRI International, administered the Internet Name Space from 1970 until 1989 and developed the naming conventions for the internet top level domains (TLDs) of .mil, .gov, .com, .org, etc. under contracts to DoD
  • Robert W. Taylor, founded and funded the beginning of the ARPAnet; founded and managed the Xerox PARC Computer Science Lab which designed and built the first networked personal computer (Alto), the Ethernet, the first internet protocol and internet, and desktop publishing
  • Fred Baker, former IETF chair, has written about 50 RFCs and contributed to about 150 more, regarding widely used Internet technology
  • Dan Kaminsky, Chief Scientist, DKH
  • Esther Dyson, EDventure; founding chairman, ICANN; former chairman, EFF; active investor in many start-ups that support commerce, news and advertising on the Internet; director, Sunlight Foundation
  • Walt Daniels, IBM’s contributor to MIME, the mechanism used to add attachments to emails
  • Nathaniel Borenstein, Chief Scientist, Mimecast; one of the two authors of the MIME protocol, and has worked on many other software systems and protocols, mostly related to e-mail and payments
  • Simon Higgs, designed the role of the stealth DNS server that protects; worked on all versions of Draft Postel for creating new TLDs and addressed trademark issues with a complimentary Internet Draft; ran the shared-TLD mailing list back in 1995 which defined the domain name registry/registrar relationship; was a root server operator for the Open Root Server Consortium; founded in 1994
  • John Bartas, was the technical lead on the first commercial IP/TCP software for IBM PCs in 1985-1987 at The Wollongong Group. As part of that work, developed the first tunneling RFC, rfc-1088
  • Nathan Eisenberg, Atlas Networks Senior System Administrator; manager of 25K sq. ft. of data centers which provide services to Starbucks, Oracle, and local state
  • Dave Crocker, author of Internet standards including email, DKIM anti-abuse, electronic data interchange and facsimile, developer of CSNet and MCI national email services, former IETF Area Director for network management, DNS and standards, recipient of IEEE Internet Award for contributions to email, and serial entrepreneur
  • Craig Partridge, architect of how email is routed through the Internet; designed the world’s fastest router in the mid 1990s
  • Doug Moeller, Chief Technology Officer at Autonet Mobile
  • John Todd, Lead Designer/Maintainer – Freenum Project (DNS-based, free telephony/chat pointer system),
  • Alia Atlas, designed software in a core router (Avici) and has various RFCs around resiliency, MPLS, and ICMP
  • Kelly Kane, shared web hosting network operator
  • Robert Rodgers, distinguished engineer, Juniper Networks, signing as a private citizen
  • Anthony Lauck, helped design and standardize routing protocols and local area network protocols and served on the Internet Architecture Board
  • Ramaswamy Aditya, built various networks and web/mail content and application hosting providers including AS10368 (DNAI) which is now part of AS6079 (RCN); did network engineering and peering for that provider; did network engineering for AS25 (UC Berkeley); currently does network engineering for AS177-179 and others (UMich)
  • Blake Pfankuch, Connecting Point of Greeley, Network Engineer
  • Jon Loeliger, has implemented OSPF, one of the main routing protocols used to determine IP packet delivery; at other companies, has helped design and build the actual computers used to implement core routers or storage delivery systems; at another company, installed network services (T-1 lines and ISP service) into Hotels and Airports across the country
  • Jim Deleskie, internetMCI Sr. Network Engineer, Teleglobe Principal Network Architect
  • David Barrett, Founder and CEO, Expensify
  • Mikki Barry, VP Engineering of InterCon Systems Corp., creators of the first commercial applications software for the Macintosh platform and the first commercial Internet Service Provider in Japan
  • Peter Rubenstein,helped to design and build the AOL backbone network, ATDN.
  • David Farber, distinguished Professor CMU; Principal in development of CSNET, NSFNET, NREN, GIGABIT TESTBED, and the first operational distributed computer system; EFF board member
  • Bradford Chatterjee, Network Engineer, helped design and operate the backbone network for a nationwide ISP serving about 450,000 users
  • Gary E. Miller Network Engineer specializing in eCommerce
  • Jon Callas, worked on a number of Internet security standards including OpenPGP, ZRTP, DKIM, Signed Syslog, SPKI, and others; also participated in other standards for applications and network routing
  • John Kemp, Principal Software Architect, Nokia; helped build the distributed authorization protocol OAuth and its predecessors; former member of the W3C Technical Architecture Group
  • Christian Huitema, worked on building the Internet in France and Europe in the 80’s, and authored many Internet standards related to IPv6, RTP, and SIP; a former member of the Internet Architecture Board
  • Steve Goldstein, Program Officer for International Networking Coordination at the National Science Foundation 1989-2003, initiated several projects that spread Internet and advanced Internet capabilities globally
  • David Newman, 20 years’ experience in performance testing of Internet
    infrastructure; author of three RFCs on measurement techniques (two on firewall performance, one on test traffic contents)
  • Justin Krejci, helped build and run the two biggest and most successful municipal wifi networks located in Minneapolis, MN and Riverside, CA; building and running a new FTTH network in Minneapolis
  • Christopher Liljenstolpe, was the chief architect for AS3561 (at the time about 30% of the Internet backbone by traffic), and AS1221 (Australia’s main Internet infrastructure)
  • Joe Hamelin, co-founder of Seattle Internet Exchange ( in 1997, and former peering engineer for Amazon in 2001
  • John Adams, operations engineer at Twitter, signing as a private citizen
  • David M. Miller, CTO / Exec VP for DNS Made Easy (IP Anycast Managed Enterprise DNS provider)
  • Seth Breidbart, helped build the Pluribus IMP/TIP for the ARPANET
  • Timothy McGinnis, co-chair of the African Network Information Center Policy Development Working Group, and active in various IETF Working Groups
  • Richard Kulawiec, 30 years designing/operating academic/commercial/ISP systems and networks
  • Larry Stewart, built the Etherphone at Xerox, the first telephone system working over a local area network; designed early e-commerce systems for the Internet at Open Market
  • John Pettitt, Internet commerce pioneer, online since 1983, CEO Free Range Content Inc.; founder/CTO CyberSource &; created online fraud protection software that processes over 2 billion transaction a year
  • Brandon Ross, Chief Network Architect and CEO of Network Utility Force LLC
  • Chris Boyd, runs a green hosting company and supports EFF-Austin as a board member
  • Dr. Richard Clayton, designer of Turnpike, widely used Windows-based Internet access suite; prominent Computer Security researcher at Cambridge University
  • Robert Bonomi, designed, built, and implemented, the Internet presence for a number of large corporations
  • Owen DeLong, member of the ARIN Advisory Council who has spent more than a decade developing better IP addressing policies for the internet in North America and around the world
  • Baudouin Schombe, blog design and content trainer
  • Lyndon Nerenberg, Creator of IMAP Binary extension (RFC 3516)
  • John Gilmore, co-designed BOOTP (RFC 951), which became DHCP, the way you get an IP address when you plug into an Ethernet or get on a WiFi access point; current EFF board member
  • John Bond, Systems Engineer at RIPE NCC maintaining AS25152 ( and AS197000 ( ,; signing as a private citizen
  • Stephen Farrell, co-author on about 15 RFCs
  • Samuel Moats, senior systems engineer for the Department of Defense; helps build and defend the networks that deliver data to Defense Department users
  • John Vittal, created the first full email client and the email standards still in use today
  • Ryan Rawdon, built out and maintains the network infrastructure for a rapidly growing company in our country’s bustling advertising industry; was on the technical operations team for one of our country’s largest residential ISPs
  • Brian Haberman, has been involved in the design of IPv6, IGMP/MLD, and NTP within the IETF for nearly 15 years
  • Eric Tykwinski, Network Engineer working for a small ISP based in the Philadelphia region; currently maintains the network as well as the DNS and server infrastructure
  • Noel Chiappa, has been working on the lowest level stuff (the IP protocol level) since 1977; name on the ‘Birth of the Internet’ plaque at Stanford); actively helping to develop new ‘plumbing’ at that level
  • Robert M. Hinden, worked on the gateways in the early Internet, author of many of the core IPv6 specifications, active in the IETF since the first IETF meeting, author of 37 RFCs, and current Internet Society Board of Trustee member
  • Alexander McKenzie, former member of the Network Working Group and participated in the design of the first ARPAnet Host protocols; was the manager of the ARPAnet Network Operation Center that kept the network running in the early 1970s; was a charter member of the International Network Working Group that developed the ideas used in TCP and IP
  • Keith Moore, was on the Internet Engineering Steering Group from 1996-2000, as one of two Area Directors for applications; wrote or co-wrote technical specification RFCs associated with email, WWW, and IPv6 transition
  • Guy Almes, led the connection of universities in Texas to the NSFnet during the late 1980s; served as Chief Engineer of Internet2 in the late 1990s
  • David Mercer, formerly of The River Internet, provided service to more of Arizona than any local or national ISP
  • Paul Timmins, designed and runs the multi-state network of a medium sized telephone and internet company in the Midwest
  • Stephen L. Casner, led the working group that designed the Real-time Transport Protocol that carries the voice signals in VoIP systems
  • Tim Rutherford, DNS and network administrator at C4
  • Mike Alexander, helped implement (on the Michigan Terminal System at the University of Michigan) one of the first EMail systems to be connected to the Internet (and to its predecessors such as Bitnet, Mailnet, and UUCP); helped with the basic work to connect MTS to the Internet; implemented various IP related drivers on early Macintosh systems: one allowed TCP/IP connections over ISDN lines and another made a TCP connection look like a serial port
  • John Klensin, Ph.D., early and ongoing role in the design of Internet applications and coordination and administrative policies; former IAB Chair and former AT&T Internet Architecture VP
  • L. Jean Camp, former Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, focusing on computer security; eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School; tenured Professor at Indiana Unviersity’s School of Informatics with research addressing security in society.
  • Louis Pouzin, designed and implemented the first computer network using datagrams (CYCLADES), from which TCP/IP was derived
  • Carl Page, helped found eGroups, the biggest social network
    of its day, 14 million users at the point of sale to Yahoo for around $430,000,000, at which point it became Yahoo Groups
  • Phil Lapsley, co-author of the Internet Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), RFC 977, and developer of the NNTP reference implementation
  • Jack Haverty (MSEE, BSEE MIT 1970), Principal Investigator for several DARPA projects including the first Internet development and operation; Corporate Network Architect for BBN; Founding member of the IAB/ICCB; Internet Architect and Corporate Founding Member of W3C for Oracle Corporation
  • Glenn Ricart, Managed the original (FIX) Internet interconnection point
  • Ben Laurie, Apache Software Foundation founder, OpenSSL core team member, security researcher. Over half the secure websites on the Internet are powered by his software.
  • Chris Wellens President & CEO InterWorking Labs
  • Chris Morrow Network Security Engineer at Google, and previously at UUNET. Involved in several IETF routing and security working groups.
  • Dave Shambley, entrepreneur and IEEE member
  • Bill Jennings, who was VP of Engineering at Cisco for 10 years and responsible for building much of the hardware and embedded software for Cisco’s core router products and high-end Ethernet switches
  • Bernie Cosell coauthored the original IMP code, Terminal-IMP [TIP] and monitoring code for the NOC.
  • Leonard Kleinrock, one of the « fathers of the Internet », created the mathematical theory of packet networks, ran the UCLA lab that served as the first node of the ARPANET, and supervised the transmission of its first message.
  • Rebecca Hargrave Malamud, helped advance many large-scale Internet projects, and have been working the web since its invention

Source: PCinpact

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2 Commentaires

  1. Je suis allé manifester contre ACTA cette chose est vraiment une saloperie. C’est bien que l’information soit relayé.

    Merci pour l’info

  2. Ping :S.O.P.A: la loi Hadopi américaine rencontre de fortes difficultés | E-juristes

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